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At Beyond, we define Impact as an investment made for financial return, that also achieves deep, intentional and measurable social & environmental return. 


In order to consistently find & deliver such opportunities to our families, we maintain a steadfast commitment to the broader impact investment community, actively participating in the organizations and networks that drive discovery & development in this world. 


We select our partners and international organizations based on their proven ability to add value and nourish the interests and objectives of our clients. Our current community is far in reach, ambitious in scope, and unwavering in its ideals, providing endless opportunities for investors to enrich their understanding of impact.


We are proud to partner & align with the following bodies:


Impact Safari designs and develops travel experiences for the new economy. Participants visit fascinating places and meet with leaders of change in their natural habitat, while traveling with fellow social entrepreneurs, business leaders and investors in intimate, curated groups. Guests partake in workshops, round-tables, excursions and immersive experiences; think of it as an exclusive trade mission combined with dedicated leadership programs.


Toniic is the global action community for impact investors with members in over 26 countries. Beyond is the local host of the Toniic Affiliate Group in Israel. 


As a non-profit member organization, Toniic serves individuals, family offices, foundations, endowments, funds and members of the public who are committed to aligning their investments with their values across all asset classes. Toniic’s vision is to create a global financial ecosystem creating positive social and environmental impact. Lital Slavin is a member of the board of directors of Toniic.


In partnership with Small Giants Australia, Beyond’s Journey to Impact programs develop content and workshops for individuals, families and groups, who are choosing to embark on a path to an impactful life. 

Incorporated in 2019 as a not-for-profit public benefit corporation, DAF-IL brings to Israel, for the first time, the successful and fast-growing donor advised fund charitable giving vehicle that is widely in use by charitable individuals, families and corporations in the US, Canada, Britain and other philanthropic countries.


NAB is an international organization and “global steering group” led by Sir Ronald Cohen, comprised of 22 countries. Each of its 22 members has a National Advisory Board working to catalyse impact investment in their country or region. 

Israel’s NAB includes current and past senior executives in the private and public sectors, and is focused on raising awareness and providing regulatory updates to advance the Impact Investments sector in Israel.


Certified B Corporations™ (B Corps™) are for-profit companies that use the
power of business to build a more inclusive and sustainable economy.
They meet the highest verified standards of social and environmental
performance, transparency, and accountability.

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